
Dear colleagues from all countries,

On behalf of the organizing committee, I am delighted to announce that Polycondensation 2024 will be held in France. This international scientific event, which has been an undeniable success since it was launched in Paris in 1996 in honor of Professor Ernest Marechal, is now in its 14th edition. The event will take place in September 15 -18 2024, in Lyon. Lyon is the birthplace of the cinematograph (brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière) and also the birthplace of world-famous figures such as Paul Bocuse in the field of gastronomy, Antoine de St Exupéry in the field of literature and André-Marie Ampère and Louis Néel in the field of science. We are therefore proud to include Lyon as a milestone in the history of this congress.  For this 14th edition of Polycondensation, we want to bring together the widest possible scientific communities from both academia and industry, by proposing various topics related to societal issues such as energy, the environment and transport. The "Polycondensation" conference is and will remain a unique and specific forum for the presentation of recent advances and scientific results in the various areas of polycondensation research. It should also be seen as a place for exchanging and confronting ideas, and it will also provide an opportunity to initiate collaborations.  We therefore invite you to take part in this event and preferably to include an active participation in form of a poster and/or a presentation so to contribute to its success.


Dr Regis Mercier

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Confirmed Keynote speakers

Pr. Christine Luscombe (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology-OIST- Japan) : "Controlling polycondensation reactions: A case study in semiconducting polymer synthesis".

Pr. Timothy Long (Arizona State University, Arizona - USA) : "3D Printing High Performance Engineering Polymers: From Aliphatic Polyesters to Aromatic Polyimides".

Pr. Mikhail Zolotukhin (Instituto de Inverstigaciones en Materiales, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - Mexico) : "Superacid catalyzed polycondensation: State of the art and future challenges".

Pr. Neil McKeown (University of Edinburg - Scotland) : "Making Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs) using step-growth polymerisations".

Pr. Steven Holdcroft (Simon Fraser University, Canada) : "Ion-Conducting Condensation Polymers for Renewable Energy".

Dr Ruud Rulkens (Envalior - Netherlands) : "Innovations in solid-State Polycondensation".

Dr Siva Chinta (Sabic, Texas - USA) : "Polycondensation Nurturing Polyolefin Circularity"

Jim McGrath dedicated "Polymer" Special Issue

On the occasion of Polycondensation 2024, a Special Issue of "Polymer" will be edited in memory of Jim McGrath.

This special issue will be "Guest Editor Invitation Only". Specific papers will be selected by the Guest Editor among the Polycondensation 2024 oral presentations and this choice will be notified by a personal invitation to the author.

Manuscripts should be original works. Review articles can also be submitted, as long as the review topic has been pre-approved by the Guest Editor

International Scientific Committee

Dr. James Hedrick (IBM - USA)

Prof. Tim Long (Arizona State University-USA)

Prof. Theo Dingemans (Chapel Hill University – North Carolina -USA)

Prof. Dr. Cor Koning (Covestro - Netherlands B.V. and University of Groningen-Netherlands)

Dr. Ruud Rulkens (Envalior- Netherlands)

Prof. Shinji Ando (Tokyo Tech - Japan)

Prof. Brigitte Voit (IPF-Institute Macromolecular Chemistry – Germany)

Prof. Sang Youl Kim (KAIST - Korea)

Prof. Dr. Haritz Sardon (POLYMAT, University of the Basque Country - Spain)

Prof. Tsutomu Yokozawa (Kanagawa University - Japan)

Organizing committee

Dr. Véronique Bounor-Legaré (IMP-Université Lyon 1)

Prof. Eliane Espuche (IMP-Université Lyon 1)

Dr. Catherine Marestin (IMP-INSA)

Dr. Françoise Méchin (IMP-INSA)

Dr. Régis Mercier (IMP-INSA)

Dr. Alain Rousseau (IMP-INSA)

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